Emilie Abbott

Full Stack Developer.

A passionate Fullstack Developer with a drive to create exceptional user experiences through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, SQL, and PHP.

About Me

Creative Web Designer!

Plant lover, dog and cat 'mom', and recent coding bootcamp graduate! I am on fire to deploy the awesome skills I gained through the Web Development Program at Palm Beach Code School. My favorite projects to date have been the space website I built from scratch with database interactivity, and a new project I'm currently working on which is written with React and Three.js - completely new languages for me. I love that there are so many things to nerd out on!


What I am proficient in

My Services

Web Design

Create visually appealing sites that look good on any device

Web Development

The behind the scenes components that make sites tick like a clock

Creative Design

Out of the box and always developing new skills to stay up to date


Latest Projects

Space site

Check out the fully responsive, database-connected site I built from scratch

Sneak Peak

A snippet of my next portfolio website that is in the works, using Three.JS and React!

PBCS mock site

An ode to the school that helped me excel

Sign App

Sign maker app

Landon Hotel

Mock up of a fictional hotel website

JavaScript Tic-Tac-Toe

Play awhile!

Contact Me!

If You Have a Project You Want Deployed

I'm a Fullstack Web Developer - creating modern, mobile-first, functional wesbites.

2023 Emilie Abbott